
If you are looking for the best and the most trustful company to travel, and be glad  with, you can choose Family Travel, we will offer you the best service.

Come & Trust Us



Choosing the best hotel for people and getting them to their favorite hotels.


We want to help you find the cheapest airfare available. Wherever you’re flying, we’ve got cheap tickets to your destination. We’ve added new features like selecting departure and return flights individually, choosing your seats ahead of time.


Receiving study offers from international universities, especially European universities from (Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, Austria... etc.), as well as universities from (Britain, and Canada). Choosing the best universities and getting the most appropriate offers for the students, and giving complete consultation so that they will have adequate information about quality, price, place to live, language and culture of the country which they are going to.


Receiving business invitations and helping businessmen to find and deal with companies which work at the same field or near and arranging contacts and communications legally, developing trade and businesses and bringing the best sample of business abroad and fulfilling here.


Arranging special programs for tourists to their favorite countries and preparing tourism packages and giving consultation properly so that tourists can visit all tourism, historical and cultural sites of their favorite countries.


Receiving medical offers for patients and finding suitable hospitals and getting the patients the best medical treatment, and finding specialized doctors for them.

Conference and Events

Receiving specialized conferences for people in different fields (Health, Business, Medical, Engineering, Management, Accounting, Legal, Tourism, Laboratory, Economy etc…)


Tourism and Trading Group to nearby countries like (Turkey, UAE, Malaysia, Maldives, Ukraine, Armenia and Azerbaijan … etc.)

Legal Translation

Legally translating all documents into all languages (English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Sweden, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic and Kurdish … etc.)

Medical Insurance

Second Passport: Second passport legally and formally for applicants. Right of Residency: Right of Residency in European countries for family and individual.

Why choose us?

Our last experience approved that we work professionally to our customers, doing works in least time and save time for them, consultation for our customers to choose the best and most appropriate choice for them.

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